This is “no reserve” auction for a meticulously maintained 2005 Honda CR-V in "good" to "verygood" condition for itsage. This car is being sold "as-is" with no warranty but it starts easily, shifts smoothly andruns great.
Thisis a 4WD EX-L with a factory leather interior, heated seats, glass sunroof and 6 diskaudio system. This is a two owner caras I purchasedit as aHondaCertified Preowned vehicle in 2009 with 43K on the odometer. It has had the oil changedreligiously with full-syntheticevery 5,000 miles and the ATF fluid has been drained & refilledevery 35K. It uses less thana quart ofoil between changes. I've owned many Hondas over the years and havebeen pleased with all of them, butthis CR-V has been truly exceptional asthe most trouble-freevehicle I have ever owned. It hasFAR exceededmy expectations for both comfort and durability in all the time I've had it.
The Good:
-- All recalls are 100% up to date having beencompletedby the local Honda dealership
- Body is in greatcondition for itsage, with nodamage and goodpaint. (Inearly Novemberof 2012 I hit a small deer atvery low speed. Damage was negligiblerequiring only adriver's front fender and a new bumper skin, both of which were replaced usingOEM Hondaparts.The Acura dealer whorepaired the vehiclematched thepaintperfectly.)
- - two properly coded factory keys included
- - heavy duty WeatherTech tail-gate linerincluded
- A/C blowsice cold
- Complete4 wheel bake job performedrecently at 221K
- "Like new"condition,all fourmatching Pirelli P4 Four Season Plustires withover 9/32 of tread remaining
Known problems:
- - The airbag light comes on occasionallybutsoon goes back out on its own. I've had it into thelocal Dealera couple of different times for this, butthey haven't been able to reproduce the problem while the car wasin their shop. It is probable that this is afaulty seat belt buckle sensor which is a "known issue" on this generation of CR-Vs. If that iscorrect, thenmost or all of the cost to repair would be covered under Honda’s lifetime seatbelt warranty.
-- The passenger’s front CV joint makes a "clunking"noiseon hard turns andoccasionally causesavibration when startingoff from a complete stand-still. I'm addressing this byincluding thecorrect after-market replacement part to do this repairbut the Buyer will be responsibleforinstalling it.(This is a prettyeasy job for any competentshade tree mechanic --check outYouTube for step-by-step guidance.)
-- The exhaust system willlikelyneed attentionsoon as I've startedto noticemoreengine noise under hard acceleration. Thenoise isn't noticeable atnormalcruising speeds though.
Terms of sale: $500 downis required within 24 hours of Auction ending viaPayPal.Theremaining balance is due within 7 days paid by cash orCashier's check, or viaPayPal + 3% to cover their fees. Thevehicle must be picked upwithin14 days of auction close. I will be happy topick the Buyerup from IND airport, meet you anywhereup to 15 miles from my home, or I will evendeliver this car to you at any distance up to 200 miles away from my housefor a fee. The cost todeliverwill be $0.95 per mile that I need totravel round-trip calculated from my home zip code of 46143. (Example: if you live 80 miles away from me I will deliver the car to you for 160*$0.95= $152.)
Please feel free to ask questions and I'lldo my very best to get you theanswers you need.Check out my sellerFeedback and bid with confidence!!!