MAZDA PROTEGE 2000 DX. One owner!
Well kept 2000 Mazda Protégé DX with 165,680 miles on it.Title: Rebuilt. PassedHighway Patrolinspection on December 2, 2016.
Very good condition with clean interior.Everything on the car is in great working condition.Its title is rebuilt.The engine runs great, never had any problems with it. The engine was made in Japan. Some Japanese made engines have more than 500,000 miles on them and still running.You can come and test drive as much as you want to check the car. Oil was changedon regular basis. Brakes were well maintained, and we never letthem be worn out.We replacedold brake pads long before theystart loosing performance.The car hasnew tires. The paint is nice with some small rust spoton both sidesbehind the rear wings. It has beenwaitingfor a new owner for the past 4 months.Just drive this nice car out right away.
Please don't hesitate to ask questions, and we will work with the new owner as much as we can.